Regulations and Customs in Kazakhstan

Registration in Kazakhstan

How to get the service online 

  1. To check the fact of the presence of IIN of the applicant, the head, the founder in the base of the ITIS of the Tax Committee of the MF RK under this link: In case of absence, please contact the tax authority for entering data into the database.
  2. Log in on the portal and click the Request Online button.
  3. Choose the type of registration of a legal entity. 
  4. Fill in the application depending on the selected species. In the application indicate the address data, name, head and information about the founders.
  • In case of registration of a legal entity with foreign participation in accordance with Articles 6 and 6-1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 2198 of April 17, 1995 „On State Registration of Legal Entities and Registration Registration of Branches and Representative Offices“ the following must be submitted additionally:

     – a legalized extract from the trade register or other legalized document certifying that the founder – a foreign legal entity is a legal entity under the legislation of a foreign country, with a notarized translation into Kazakh and Russian languages;
     – a copy of the passport or other document proving the identity of the foreign founder, with a notarized translation into Kazakh and Russian.

  • Documents should be scanned in one file, in pdf format. In case of participation of several foreign persons, a copy must be attached to each founder.
  • Until processing is completed in accordance with the regulatory time, in order to prevent double registration of a legal entity with the identical  name and other setting data, it is not recommended to re-apply for registration.
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